Friday, October 29, 2010

Queen Temple

This morning, Temple came to bed with us and decided she was going to tell us how things were. She has had enough of our attitudes and wanted us to know that our behavior was unacceptable. So I got it down on video to make sure we didn't forget. For those of you who don't speak baby, I added subtitles.


  1. This is sooooo SUPER ADORABLY CUTE!!!! =D

  2. this is what being a parent is all about..... its really pretty fun :) love the subtitles!

  3. She is absolutely adorable :)

  4. I think you had no idea what you were getting into... and now your having TWO! I'm sure one of them will sell you both before their second Christmas!!

    Love, Aunt Scheila


So tell us, what do YOU think? :)