Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mike & Alicia Wedding: Part 2

As you all know from our previous posts, Mike and Alicia were married in January, but still continued to have their big reception to celebrate on March 19th. Mike just headed off to boot camp today where he will be away from Alicia for a couple months, which as you can imagine will be a tough thing for the two of them. Even tougher would be if they were just married a couple weeks ago, the same day they had their reception, with so little time to spend together as a married couple. We wanted to get their pictures up on the blog before MIke had to go today, so we were working hard to do so. In fact, we made our first wedding video slideshow!... We recently bought Showit Web's product to do slideshows and are VERY happy with it! Here is the link...

And here are a few images just for fun:

Please feel free to leave a comment to let us know what you think! if you do not have a Blogger account, you can leave a comment under the Anonymous tab on the comment page. Enjoy!





  1. These are so great!

  2. These are amazing photos! How can I get your contact info. E-mail? Phone number?


So tell us, what do YOU think? :)