Friday, June 10, 2011

Family Session: The Litzmans

Hey All! Emily here. (I know, it's been forever since I have written a blog post right?!) Maybe it's because I am constantly up to my elbows in baby poop, crying babies, a house covered in toys, and Temple's new favorite word... "no". :) Just kidding, its not all bad. Our babies are so absolutely precious but they are a LOT of work!

Andrew and I love being parents and we have a new appreciation for parents and babies since we have had our own. With that being said, we enjoy shooting family sessions more and more because babies are just so darn cute, and we actually have patience now with kids since we had to learn it with our own. Family sessions are usually chaotic and there are usually tears involved from someone little. It is easy for mom and dad to stress out and get upset with their kids because they JUST WANT ONE GOOD PHOTO to put on the wall. JUST ONE! I know this because I have been trying to get family photos taken since Wyatt was born because I have zero. Thats right... zero! But my lovely kids just won't cooperate and stay happy. Oh well! We have learned that the best thing to do is just take your kids to the park, bring a blanket, and let them interact and play.

We did this for the Litzman's family session and let me tell you, we LOVE the way their photos turned out! Their girls look so full of life and joy instead of a posed picture where someone is saying cute things to them to get them to look and force a smile. These two girls, Chana and Zahava (cutest names EVER, right?) are seriously the most beautiful little girls! The entire photo session, Andrew and I kept whispering back and forth about how dang cute they were! :) I guess it helps to have good-looking parents too right? ;) Meyer and Miriam are such a wonderful couple and you can tell that having two kids under two certainly has not put out the spark in their marriage. They are so in love! Andrew and I absolutely loved working with this little family! Here is a little peek into their lives:

Chana playing in the sand
The Litzmans

Sweet Zahava






I love this one!
Sister Love
Meyer & Miriam
Look at that sweet face!

And my absolute favorite shot of the day:


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this!! what an adorable family, you guys captured such precious moments


So tell us, what do YOU think? :)